Genron 12
Genron Shop / Genron12 is a special feature that explores the concept of What is Free. It includes various essays and discussions on the topic. Some of the articles include "論考無料についての断章|楠木建" by Ken Kusunoki, "論考無料はパリから始まった 1836年の広告革命|鹿島茂" by Shigeru Kashima, "論考贈与の境界、境界の贈与|桜井英治" by Eiji Sakurai, "座談会無料は世界をよくするのか|飯田泰之+井上智洋+東浩紀" featuring discussions by Yasuyuki Iida, Tomohiro Inoue, and Hironori Higashi, "論考フリーと多様性は共存するか|飯田泰之" by Yasuyuki Iida, and "論考Freedom, not Free 反緊縮加速主義とはなにか|井上智洋" by Tomohiro Inoue. There may be similarities between this and the book FREE: New Strategy to Generate Money from Free tkgshn.icon. The concept of 観光客の民主主義は可能か discussed in this note seems to be related to the context of Constitution 2.0 and the idea of "residents and citizens."